hey guys i just threw in a ve in to my b13 i timed it to 19 degrees running 93 oct (i hope this is safe im new to ve's) and when she is warm its perfect right under 1k rpm is where it idles at... the problem is on a cold start it idles all the way up to 2.8k and stays there the other ve that was in there b4 it blew up
never did that what could the issue be any ideas appreciated here are a few things it has 255 walbro f/p, jwt ve ecu im pretty sure it has a n60 maf im running the ve injectors and i have a nismo f/p regulator but now im using the stock one
oh yeah and another question i forgot.. the connector on the end of the knock sensor broke when the old motor was pulled out does the knock sensor connect to the clip thats on the same harness section of the injectors right on the end of #1 ?? this is a b13 harness thanks for reading i will appreciate some help i just don't have the time to go thru all the threads work and school are killing me

oh yeah and another question i forgot.. the connector on the end of the knock sensor broke when the old motor was pulled out does the knock sensor connect to the clip thats on the same harness section of the injectors right on the end of #1 ?? this is a b13 harness thanks for reading i will appreciate some help i just don't have the time to go thru all the threads work and school are killing me