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Thread: having trouble starting engine when its cold

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2011-02-07 16:22:39
having trouble starting engine when its cold
Hey guys this is the situation:

When the dizz its on its normal position(15-17 degrees) car runs excellent and behaves like a champ BUT whenever the car its park lets say overnight I have problems getting to engine to start

1-engine cranks and tries to start but it does not, I smell like gas comming out of the intake(air filter). sometimes after 2-3 minutes it will start normally, but usually I have this problem,

2- If I move the distributor (advance) to almost the end of the adjustment car starts at it first try, but timming its way too advance and my car does not like it

I have a sr20ve with an ECU from jamie, Neo afc for the vvl, header intake and exhaust. Other than that car runs excellent

Any ideas?
2011-02-08 03:56:39
just scan the car today and got code 13 for CTS(coolant sensor) can this be causing this issue?
2011-02-08 05:02:55
Yep, replace it and youre good to go.
2011-02-08 05:05:31
great will post results
2011-02-08 18:59:05
does anyone has a picture of the CTS connector and color of the wires for an se-r 91 with sr20ve????
2011-02-08 19:00:37
does anybody has a pic of the CTS connector and the color of the wires?
2011-02-08 19:42:38
It's located on the passenger side of the motor under the intake mani. It's on an aluminum piece coming off the back of the head with a heater hose going to the firewall, there will be two sensors there, one is a single wire sensor, and a two wire sensor right next to it. The two wire sensor is the one you need to replace.
2011-02-08 20:42:26
Im asking this because:

1- there are 2 connectors,one that looks like the knock sensor one which will connect fine on an sr20 CTS (red color plug) and it looks like the cable you described

2-there are another 2 connectors where the first one is, those look like the connectors on the IACV and one of those plugs fine in a CTS (blue color)

thats why I was asking for a pic of it or at least the color of the cables
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