a budget is all relative, your gonna spend a few thousand on a motor build, one of the most important components is the header, dont skimp on that.
i know you just picked one up, im not saying in any way they are bad headers. they are good headers that make good power. with every part of a motor there is always room for improvement.
what im trying to say is that its all relative to what kind of motor its on.
your header on your proprosed build, will perform just great, but in the same sense im sure you know theres still alot of power to be gained from a better design. hp is dictated by the wallet at the end of the day !
I just want a substanially quicker vehicle (and some lopey idle
Also, I have a 7 year old son, so I have other things to focus on with my expenses... I was going to be "ok" with my SSAC for a while, but decided since that was the best price I had seen on an ASP to go ahead and pick it up... I figured once I get my car tuned and that ASP header installed, I should have another 20 hp over my current setup. (the tune being the more important part of that).... And I'll have the ASP header around for when my SR23xE is done.
I still don't know if it'll be VE or DE. I am starting to lean towards 91mm on a VE and 92 on a DE. The thought here is, I want to be able to have some spare room on the more expensive VE block in case of issues down the road. DE blocks are dime-a-dozen ....