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Thread: Running on 3 cylinders...

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2011-01-06 08:37:29
It'll be back soon. Gotta order up some new parts like rings, pistons, headstuds, etc. Its doin push ups at my cousins shop for now. Gunna let him do some cleaning up on the engine bay since my ass never has the patience lol.
2011-01-06 08:39:58
question is why did it melt?

O an pics please
2011-01-06 08:44:06
My boy took some on his droid. He'll charge it up in the AM so I can have some pics. I have no idea. I am guessing maybe injector failure or the damn Jersey piss water gas station put 87 octane in. Who the hell knows. Gotta rip apart the block and have it honed again. Then wait on the parts to come in. Gotta love the BS!
2011-01-06 08:51:00
guess you will find out soon if it was the injector.. how do the other pistons look?
2011-01-06 14:17:46
Big Bore Coca-Cola FTW!
2011-01-06 15:17:50
^Lol. The other pistons look to be in good shape. Going by the compression test, they are in good shape. The numbers would shoot right up. Forgot exactly where they were but I know 1, 2, and 3 were identical numbers. #4 didn't even bump the gauge a millimeter lol.
2011-01-06 16:11:26
Originally Posted by nismo94tuner
It'll be back soon. Gotta order up some new parts like rings, pistons, headstuds, etc. Its doin push ups at my cousins shop for now. Gunna let him do some cleaning up on the engine bay since my ass never has the patience lol.

^Where are you going to order your main cap bolts from? They seem to be on back order.

Originally Posted by jagy
Big Bore Coca-Cola FTW!

2011-01-06 16:16:36
Originally Posted by nismo94tuner
Decided to not waste anymore time so we yanked it out.

So it ran lean on bud light and when you sprayed the greygoose it melted a coca cola ? J/k hope it's up and running for the convention .Just shit luck
2011-01-06 16:22:29
Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DET
^Where are you going to order your main cap bolts from? They seem to be on back order.

I am keeping the oem units in there for now. I am keeping it as a basic little build to hold me off till the new motor. I am just seeking reliability and 9-9.5K.

Originally Posted by tsuruser
So it ran lean on bud light and when you sprayed the greygoose it melted a coca cola ? J/k hope it's up and running for the convention .Just shit luck

I am hoping to have my big bore motor done before the convention. This motor should be back together within a week or so. Gotta do some street sweepin.
2011-01-07 00:31:15
Dam that sucks but ill be back in the streets in no time running stronger than ever gota love this car..
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