I'm trying to wire up the vvl solenoids with a VAFC and can't get the solenoids to activate. I wired them to 12 volts to see if they click and they both do. One set of wires is grounded to the block and the other are hooked up to the pink wire on the vafc. I get rpm readings on the vafc but for some reason its like 1k rpm off, I took the signal from behind the cluster(blue/org). Does anybody have any knowledge on these or wiring diagrams for the vafc. Do I need a relay, is there any other sensors that have to be hooked up to the vafc like the tps, vtec input(purple wire)?? I get a constant 12 volts to the output wire(pink) with my meter but its not enough to activate the solenoids if I hook it up directly. any body have any idea whats going on??