Originally Posted by Teal97
Dre. whats a cold start valve do? for the past 5 years i've been running my VE with my old lowport DE t/b. there are 3 ports on it. i've had those capped off for all 5 years and not had ANY cold start issues. i live in western washington state. so why does a (N1) t/b (or any other for that matter) have to have a cold start valve?
Dre. whats a cold start valve do? for the past 5 years i've been running my VE with my old lowport DE t/b. there are 3 ports on it. i've had those capped off for all 5 years and not had ANY cold start issues. i live in western washington state. so why does a (N1) t/b (or any other for that matter) have to have a cold start valve?
The N1 TB and standard VE TB does have a Cold start valve or fast idle.
If your is working fine with no cold start issues then you are kucky, this is not the norm.