The SSAC I bought, could have been used on a VE. I had a Nissan OEM Exhaust manifold gasket and when I overlayed that on the head, it fit perfectly, as expected.
What I did not expect was when I took the OEM Nissan gasket and lay it over the flange of the header I bought from "DNA Motoring" There was significant, yet even overlap in all four ports.
Now, I do not know know how large the VE ports are on the exhaust side, but I have heard they are larger the the DE. With what I said above, that header, could have very well, fit the VE engine.
I had to enlarge the two endmost flange holes about 1/8 inch to make it fit on flush. I had to grind down two nuts to fit over the welds. Some minor work, but it was not a flawless install.
As far as port alignment goes, I have no idea from the four ports on the head to the flange. I will not know that until I take it off.
At the point where it goes down from four to two tubes, I used silly putty as a "gasket" and made sure that both ports lined up and sure enough, they did. 2.5" collector also.
Either way, I would prefer a maxworx header that has work done to it, research behind it, care to the part, and made in America is another plus.
I think the numbers are good for what they are considering. Once again, I thank you for your work. Hope I win the lottery and I will send some people to college, I promise. As long as I win the lottery...