Originally Posted by
A lot of SR20s have loud, noisey, clippity, clappety valvetrains.
Since the engine is relatively new, I doubt it is that unless something was installed incorrectly.
Did you inspect the timing chain tensioner? This can cause noise in there as well. I have seen ones that keep a chain super loose with tons of play and ones that were cracked and made the chain so tight, you could not move it between the cam gears at all with hitting it with a rubber mallet. Weird stuff.
It has a brand new everything on the timing area, new N1 tensioner, new crank gear, CS adjustable cam gears, chain, and both new guides.
Originally Posted by
All sr20's are notorious for noisy valvetrain. I'm in KC this week, how close are you?
I'm in Lawrence, about 30 mins from KC, KS . Where are you in KC? Send me a PM with your cell number and I'll recipricate.
Originally Posted by
My newly built engine is quite clicky through certain rev ranges. I was worried about it so pulled off the valve cover to re-check the clearances but they were still at what I set them. I've installed a 3" straight through exhaust now and the problem is all gone so I would personally recommend that.
Mine is clickety clackity at idle even...3" VRS turbo back