Hi all,
Got some issues with confirming the timing marks on the crank pulley. The FSM says 0 (pink),5,15,22 but the space between 0-5 is bigger than the space between 5-15 on the pulley itself. Could the FSM be wrong? Could there be more than 1 version/series of the pulley? Anyone with a 20V able to confirm when they've set the timing or have one sitting on a stand waiting to go in?
Theory suggests they're actually 0,10,15,22 , but hoping to get some confirmation that 'others' around the place are the same.
Thanks !
Got some issues with confirming the timing marks on the crank pulley. The FSM says 0 (pink),5,15,22 but the space between 0-5 is bigger than the space between 5-15 on the pulley itself. Could the FSM be wrong? Could there be more than 1 version/series of the pulley? Anyone with a 20V able to confirm when they've set the timing or have one sitting on a stand waiting to go in?
Theory suggests they're actually 0,10,15,22 , but hoping to get some confirmation that 'others' around the place are the same.
Thanks !