Imo you should run normally 22-8-13 or 23- 8 1\2- 13 and more close gear ratios on a good track maybe making 1.8 60ft you could hit good numbers. Why try with sliks if the honda guys have make their work on that. You should see some cars with same whp and torque, what they use and if they got good results try them. The only thing I dont understand is when you say that you like longer gears at least third, imo, shorter will give you maximun push along the racetrack,
Shorter gears will give better results no dought.But the thing is that all we have are sr16 and b15 trannys wich have good short 1-2-3 gears but having to shift to fourth will hurt the et's more than just staying in 3rd because fourth gear is still to long for an N/A setup.Thats why Andreas was trying to get some custom fourth gears made.A B15 tranny with a custom fourth gear is the way to go with the power that he is making.If he dosn't do anything with the fourth gear the best thing is to stay with the SE-R tranny and try a taller slick if he crosses the line upto high in his power band.