finally got around to getting some work done on the new manifold... still isnt complete yet but its finally starting to take shape..

definately still a little short but its better then the old manifold. 7in from stack to the head. 57mm tapering down to stock flange... hopefully it will be done shortly and i can get it on the head and see what the flow bench says in the next couple weeks.

could you explain to me the intricacies of the runners? they just look like cut alum pipes to me

cory youre still the man! wish my n/a success was like yours... too many distractions had me trying so many different setups

Here. If you look at the pics above you'll see what's going on. As you know our flange is actually smaller then 2in pipe so even gasket matched it about 51m or so. What I've done was take a 2.5in pipe (57.25mm) and make pie cuts along each side of the runner to achieve a taper from 57 to around 52mms. Then topped off with the stacks on top.
No this isn't anything real special, but the taper should play a big role and especially with the oversized valves on my intake side I should really have good success with the added velocity. If you look at any of the high end race stuff youl see they generally have a taper.
Take for example the rediculous honda set ups with 62mm itbs lol.