Bam! fixed!
alrighty - finally finished my 2800km trip across the continent. my nx is filthy! Finally had a bit of time to diagnose the issues I had.
1) Coolant looking substance...everywhere.
solution: Attach the windshield wiper resivoir fluid back to the hood so it doesn't spray all over the inside of the engine compartment. solved
2) RPM issues - found a fuel pressure regulater vacuum hose that was leakey. Didnt 100% fix it. Better, yes, but not 100% yet.
2 ii) Found the brake booster hose connector to the IM was questionable - siliconed around the connection
Less rpm change, but not perfect yet
2 iii) took off the homemade WAI to see if the tube/welds are koshur. They are good. While blowing into one side, found a huge leak - the e60 maf has a black box that attaches to the side of it. Said black box was cracked, allowing a bunch of air through.
Car idles at 700rpm steady now. Beautiful!
Now I just have to fix the slight exhaust leak between the cat and the catback and she'll be perfect! YEAH!
Sorry for not being on for a long time - packing up a whole house and moving tends to put the forums on the back burner. Man, my nx looks like a bag of asses. Thankfully there's a nice car wash nearby. Ontario SUCKS for salt yo.
One quick question - it looks like the nipple that attaches the hose that comes from the brake booster to the IM was an afterthought to whoever broke it previous to me purchasing it. Am I ok putting blue silicone (used on oil pans) around the thing and attaching it that way or does someone have a better idea? (Is the IM made of aluminum or steel of some kind that I can weld?)
1) Coolant looking substance...everywhere.
solution: Attach the windshield wiper resivoir fluid back to the hood so it doesn't spray all over the inside of the engine compartment. solved
2) RPM issues - found a fuel pressure regulater vacuum hose that was leakey. Didnt 100% fix it. Better, yes, but not 100% yet.
2 ii) Found the brake booster hose connector to the IM was questionable - siliconed around the connection
Less rpm change, but not perfect yet
2 iii) took off the homemade WAI to see if the tube/welds are koshur. They are good. While blowing into one side, found a huge leak - the e60 maf has a black box that attaches to the side of it. Said black box was cracked, allowing a bunch of air through.
Car idles at 700rpm steady now. Beautiful!
Now I just have to fix the slight exhaust leak between the cat and the catback and she'll be perfect! YEAH!
Sorry for not being on for a long time - packing up a whole house and moving tends to put the forums on the back burner. Man, my nx looks like a bag of asses. Thankfully there's a nice car wash nearby. Ontario SUCKS for salt yo.
One quick question - it looks like the nipple that attaches the hose that comes from the brake booster to the IM was an afterthought to whoever broke it previous to me purchasing it. Am I ok putting blue silicone (used on oil pans) around the thing and attaching it that way or does someone have a better idea? (Is the IM made of aluminum or steel of some kind that I can weld?)