Originally Posted by
Payu ..
Its just physics not me hating nobody..... And with the description of the weight reduction bimboser its providing its not possible for a B13 to get so ligth.. I can tell by experience...
you also told us that you weigh 300lbs. so as far as we know, bimbo could have up to 160lbs in extra weight reduction on your personal experience. don't take it as a personal attack, but the best weight reduction is personal diet. there's too many cheeseburgers in motorsports.
also take into account this car may not have started as an SE-R. base models are significantly lighter. the weight reduction he might have done may have been a lot less that what someone with an SE-R would have had to do to achieve the same weight.
and when you're talking about an NA car, the correct exhaust configuration is a major upgrade, leading to better response, faster acceleration, and greater all over speed.
also he's in brazil. closer to sea level, closer to the equator, so atmospherically, his car may be capable of being faster than yours.