Originally Posted by
There is a specific runner length to be kept while keeping the plenum and overall size reasonable for fitment. Thats all I can give you for details.
Its design has been tested on a few high power cars. Including a 200+ hp NA gti-r.
The header was a combination of thoughts from a few friends who are making big power and specs from what we know works. its a big boy.
The car is making great power with a stock im and 1.6 cams but I wouldnt advise just anyone to go 92x92, its not as easy as bolting on known parts and go. You will be disappointed When you make less than a smaller motor.
I'm sorry to disagree. I respect and admire your build greatly.
I do think that design would cause mass amounts of restriction and turbulence in the plenum. I would like to see the results of this testing, something like a flow bench or even better maybe some kind of fluid dynamics testing in a tank where we can visibly see the the active flow around the plenum chamber and into the velocity stacks themselves.
I guarantee this would be robbing airflow and hp as well. With all that excess metal from the velocity stacks I'd bet your total plenum capacity has dropped close to half. Your plenum for optimal design should be as close to your motor as possible, so for you 2.4 liters of total volume.