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Thread: motor with no oil

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2009-05-26 14:09:49
motor with no oil
i have a friend that replaced a ve in his car that damaged bearings...the new motor went in on sunday.....and today theres no oil in it...... not a tip on the dip stick...... no leak anywere on the motor.....using 10w30.... what could have caused this......
2009-05-26 20:15:18
mine did the same thing after i installed it.. filled it week later nothing on the dip stick topped it up and its been fine since..
2009-05-26 20:50:12
You guys were either drunk when you added the oil, or the motor's eating it =\
2009-05-26 20:58:11
^ I know right....Your motor isn't Houdini.
2009-05-26 20:59:12
My VE did the same thing as well. :shrug:
2009-05-26 21:22:36
make sure oil filter is on correctly or it will drip out and u will never know...
2009-05-26 21:51:26
no leak what so ever on the motor........it just gone....wtf
2009-05-26 21:59:15
user error
2009-05-26 22:06:41
oil robbers
2009-05-26 22:26:23
Using correct dipstick??
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