Dre doesn't have a digital camera. For that reason getting pics out of him is almost an impossibility. I've suggested a fund to get him a decent $100 Canon before and I was laughed at.
Originally Posted by BenFenner Dre doesn't have a digital camera. For that reason getting pics out of him is almost an impossibility. I've suggested a fund to get him a decent $100 Canon before and I was laughed at.
it took him forever and a 1/2 to get paypal...i figure we will be at forever when he gets a digi or if someone comes by and takes pics for him.
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2008 Mazda 6 ATX 2.3
For those 10 seconds it takes to reach 60mph, i can safely text and go WOT.
i know dre isn't down with the cai on the ve, i can still run this as a wai
if anyone decides to go this route assume the walls of the pipe are 1/4" thick so 3" is closer to 2.5"