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Thread: B15 Vs SR16VE Vs SER Gear Box Comparison For NA

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2009-03-01 23:55:41
Originally Posted by Coheed
??? So I am guessing that the P11 has different ratios? Because my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are all the same as what you posted for the B15... And 5th gear also maxxes out at 175mph.

To answer your question, no. I don't see a p11 tranny on the list. But I was pretty sure the P11 box was the same as the B15, contrary to other's beliefs.

as you can see it has 4 gear ratios that are the same with a SER 5th gear with a 4.18 FD vs the B15 4.4 FD so that changes things a bit.

The problem is no one reads they just asume. This info on the B15 and P11 has been posted all over the place and it is common knowledge that the tranny have diffrent Fds.
2009-03-02 00:40:08
so dre this means i should stick with the b15 trans on the VE over the ser huh
2009-03-02 05:55:04
So does nobody on here know which european nissan this 5.0FD comes out of?

It cant be that hard to work it out..... Starts searching... Im guessing some type of diesel

Im keen to get my hands on one.
2009-03-02 07:18:24
No.. its custom made one. Vahur from Estonia makes them, if im not mistaken. He is on olf forum as member "Sunny gti".
2009-03-02 10:41:14
Originally Posted by austingtir
So does nobody on here know which european nissan this 5.0FD comes out of?

It cant be that hard to work it out..... Starts searching... Im guessing some type of diesel

Im keen to get my hands on one.


All the info about the 5.0 being made is in the post. Its hard for me to understand where you came to the conclusion that this 5.0 FD came from a factory car.
2009-03-03 04:34:50
hahahhaa. Andre, sometimes I swear I can see you pulling your hair out lol.

Let's all re-read the posts Andre put up and slap ourselves in the forehead. lol.
2009-03-03 04:57:39

All the info about the 5.0 being made is in the post. Its hard for me to understand where you came to the conclusion that this 5.0 FD came from a factory car.

Yip agreed after re-reading i dont know what i was on either. LOL. Wishfull thinking i guess.
2009-03-03 14:25:50
Originally Posted by Andreas
All MPH are calculated at 8000 RPMs with 23in tire.

This is for all the guys who keep saying SR16VE gear boxes and B15 gear boxes are the same. They are not.

SR16VE and SR16VE N1 gear box FD ( 4.44 )

1. 3.333---14.788 = 37 MPH
2. 1.955----8.674 = 63 MPH
3. 1.333----5.914 = 92 MPH
4. 0.975----4.326 = 122 MPH
5. 0.756----3.354 = 164 MPH

B15 Gear Box FD ( 4.44 )

1. 3.333---14.788 = 37 MPH
2. 1.955----8.674 = 63 MPH
3. 1.286----5.706 = 95 MPH
4. 0.926----4.110 = 127 MPH
5. 0.733----3.252 = 169 MPH

SER Gear Box FD ( 4.18 )

1. 3.063----12.791 = 44 MPH
2. 1.826-----7.625 = 72 MPH
3. 1.286-----5.370 = 98 MPH
4. 0.975-----4.072 = 131 MPH
5. 0.756-----3.157 = 174 MPH

mr. miko, would you be so kind to post the modified gear ratios of a 91-99 ser gear box mated with the jdm 4.44 final drive.

2009-03-03 14:28:06
Originally Posted by autocroSER
mr. miko, would you be so kind to post the modified gear ratios of a 91-99 ser gear box mated with the jdm 4.44 final drive.



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2009-03-03 14:30:43
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