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Thread: SR20VE motor wont start

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2009-02-13 05:03:17
hope that helps
2009-02-13 05:06:08
um ok I will check it out in the morning.
2009-02-13 08:58:29
listen tex.. if all else fails use another ecu you might have a wired crossed an burnt the battery signal off it.. you just never know.
2009-02-13 17:56:12
there are 2 plugs that is same to each other, here the picture. I rechecked the neutral switch, seem fine, wired proper I think. black is ground after all. everytime I crank, an clicking from fuse relay in the car.

2009-02-13 18:14:31
u check the starter...?
2009-02-13 18:43:35
Its plugged, though I dont have an multmeter to see if there volt running through. mmm
2009-02-13 19:07:42
just checked the starter, got a spark, clearing power is going to the starter, but wont start. now my key is locked, the car wont let me have my key back. little devil! I wired the clutch switch onto the wires from the neutral switch.
2009-02-14 08:31:46
put a push button start on that beyotch, if that dont make it crank i dont know what will
2009-02-14 11:02:33
did you cranck ot by hand/?
2009-02-14 22:31:28
Sr20dude, the 2 plugs I found them have no place to plugs, them are sr plug.

Crank the engine, clearly it might not be the issue. I don't know man. I could replace the starter and get a multmeter to check the ground.
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