Originally Posted by Wilser93
? How does this work as a RWD application without modification? Doesn't it come out of a FWD car?
? How does this work as a RWD application without modification? Doesn't it come out of a FWD car?
The motor comes as a FWD motor.
People get VE heads and put them on RWD S13-S15 blocks and go turbo.
He is thinking that because the he has seen people do this that it would make for a great RWD conversion.
The 20V Sr20VE motor has 2 advatages for use as a RED motor.
1. it has a small CAS that clears the firewall.
2. It has a short one selenoid setup that clears the fire wall.
All the parts listed above can be had for cheap new.
1. CAS new is $300 with pigtail harness
2. 20V selenoide setup is about $200
So now you get a SR20VE head for $800 and you have acoplished the same thing for $1300.