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Thread: VVL is awesome

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2007-12-17 14:53:18
I have a question for u VVL guys, I have not seen anyone with a VE on spray? Has anyone 1 tried this. VE in the 12's would be f****** awesome
2007-12-17 19:29:04
I dunno what kind of VE's you turbo guys are running but I can safely say a lot of ve will give most of the T25 (at least the ones I've seen)a run for there money : )

Even though a turbo v.s. n/a car shouldn't be matched up, just shows the real power of VE that it can even be compared (ALL MOTOR) to a turbo car, I don't see ga16's or sr20de's being matched up.........

and I know damn well if these all motor ve guys slap that nice det block under there hood that it would be over VE-T > DE-T all day long
2007-12-17 20:07:14
Originally Posted by sr20abuSE-R
I dunno what kind of VE's you turbo guys are running but I can safely say a lot of ve will give most of the T25 (at least the ones I've seen)a run for there money : )

Even though a turbo v.s. n/a car shouldn't be matched up, just shows the real power of VE that it can even be compared (ALL MOTOR) to a turbo car, I don't see ga16's or sr20de's being matched up.........

and I know damn well if these all motor ve guys slap that nice det block under there hood that it would be over VE-T > DE-T all day long

run what u brung. use ur own blocks while we use ours. it's only fair.
2007-12-17 20:08:57
^^lol yea you know why upgrade, while your at it keep the original t25 turbo and stock cams, oil pump etc.
2007-12-17 20:10:33
if your car comes with a turbo...
2007-12-17 20:12:48
Originally Posted by sr20abuSE-R
^^lol yea you know why upgrade, while your at it keep the original t25 turbo and stock cams, oil pump etc.

that's no problem, run Bes and see whats up.
2007-12-17 20:16:56
lol anytime, why don't you run me, why does bes have to?
2007-12-17 20:18:18
Originally Posted by sr20abuSE-R
lol anytime, why don't you run me, why does bes have to?

i'm still DE, i'll rip u out of the hole tho. (straight traction) lol. btw, all the times Bes was down, u never wanted to run.
2007-12-17 20:18:54
lol I'm not knockin t25 I just don't know why people jump on here (vvl sec.) and knock on vvl???? what ever floats your boat i guess
2007-12-17 20:19:38
Originally Posted by SE-Rious
i'm still DE, i'll rip u out of the hole tho. (straight traction) lol. btw, all the times Bes was down, u never wanted to run.

Bes actually never asked me to run, I would a have ran him
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