Originally Posted by
Umm... yea lets not forget that the ssac header was $150 here well worth the risk. As well it was the only option for most with hotshot out the game. I will buy one ( NOW) if you can front me half of the money, I will gladly test it and post all result. All I want to see is if this header makes extream power or not because if it only makes a 3hp improvement over ssac I will be very upset along as others. This question is also floating on others minds who may actually have the money to buy this. You would be foolish to say otherwise. Don't take this the wrong way, I am not insulting the mans headers don't say (that) at all !! because thats what 70% of you guys are thinking right now. I am very interested in them! I just have to see a visual to make up my mind and not word of mouth.
so why don't you front half the money for HIM to dyno test the SSAC? let's be honest at a certain point every business person realizes when someone's business (yours) isn't worth it. Dynos have been posted if you can't make up your mind, don't buy it, it won't hurt his business (ive seen the GT3 RS he has in the shop right now) and you won't have to keep coming up with excuses not to spend the money.
There are actually people on this forum that will spend their time and money dynoing the SSAC and budget header. In fact, the test has been done and the results are way more than 3whp. Once it's posted i want to see your deposit and name in the second group buy.
Unless you didn't have the money in the first place, in that case you shouldn't be posting anyway...