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Hey Charles, I see that you've made your secondaries exactly half the length of the primaries. Burns suggested that sometimes you can get more power if they are a bit longer & said that between 2" & 4" longer is usually where this extra power is gained.
I'm guessing you already know this so have you tried making the secondaries a bit longer to see if it helped? If so, what were the results?
I have messed around with the header steps, lengths and collector merge secondary lengths on about every header I have built. I have also improved upon 2 headers that burns has spec'd out and built. As far as the secondaries, i'm assuming your talking after the first collectors and before the last 2-1 merge? I could lengthen the secondaries and yes that will most likely increase the power, but then I either have to shorten the primaries or remove the flex coupler. I could force the runners more towards the radiator but then This header wont fit all the chassis.
I do know how to improve upon this header, but i can not do so and keep the cost down to this budget price.
I already have one spec'd out how it should be and it does make more power than this budget 4-2-1, but It would be about $1150 give or take.