Originally Posted by
STRATTON charles would you recommend a full merge collector ? and agian it would be 550 wich is full price up front for a 421 with full merge collector and a 02 on the seconderie ?
this comes with a flex pipe etc with bolt flanges ?
for the best performance i do recommend the full merge collectors. It looks better and has better flow and gas merge properties.
the $550 is the correct deposit for what you listed. that is for the full header, including the rear section with the flex pipe.
To all others interested in this header but will not be able to afford it at this time, If this group buy goes well, then I will continue to sell them but they will be for the $495 and up. This is assuming that i do not run into any problems or unexpected issues that will cause the cost of production to go through the roof.
I will do group buys if there is enough interest.
Jer, I'm not sure exactly when i'll be dynoing but i'll let you know. I do want to dyno before sending them out though.