Originally Posted by
I don't want to get in the middle of all the fighting..but I think since lonewolf actually bought one of the headers that he is entitled to his own personal opinion on the header. There is no way a product will evolve unless there are negatives about it, in my eyes. I would like to ask lonewolf what type of changes would you make to it to improve apon it. Maybe we all will learn something from him maybe we would not, who knows.

That would be much more productive for the community as well.
We arent fighting,hehe
Like I said,I totally understand his frustration.
Unfortunately,I dont have the funds or time to put into dyno and redyno,etc.
WE definately need to know both sides,gains and losses.The key is like you said...what needs to be done to makre the gains more consistent from car to car with similar setups.