Originally Posted by
If you look back all the claims atleast any that i have read. and snicker's statment's were for making power on a stock de engine not ve. you can't expect a header for a stock de to be perfectly macthed for a tuned ve. i think that is why he offer's the other headers and why he is going to set up a ve car to develop a header just for a mildly built ve. I have a mildly built de that i should be puting a budget header on in a few week then i'll give my input on how it works for a de engine like it was designed for

I wish Snickers would chime in and verify this.
I thought this header was more VE specific,but will work on a DE.Thats why you didnt have to mod the ports on a VE.
That was my understanding when I got it.
It seems like if you had a DE it would be silly to spend that kind of $ on a custom header when you could get an ssac,and cams for the price,with WAY more gain.I would have kept my ssac if I still had a DE.
I would bet 80% or more of the headers were purchased by VE guys.
Also,I thouught it was dynoed on a couple VE first and then was tried on a DE after that .Maybe after 70 pages of BS I have gotten confused,but I am gonna go back and look again.
It amazes me how there were almost 30 sold in the first buy and the second buy is going strong,despite the 50 posts by lonewolf,and others bashing the part...lol
ok flame on....