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Thread: SR20 Turbo 02 Housing R&D

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2011-06-22 01:25:37
Originally Posted by javierb14

Does anyone plan on using a catalytic converter w/ the full down pipe? Also, the plan is to terminate the dp at the stock exhaust location. Then supply a rotating 2 bolt, 3 bolt, or vband flange adapter so it bolts right up.

I'm probably the only guy who would want it like that and unfortunately for you I sold my turbo SE-R late last year. Otherwise you'd already have my money for full merged dp.
2011-06-22 01:33:54
I have to run a cat but a Vband would work for me.
2011-06-22 03:06:42
I would love to get a test pipe to go w/ the new 3" DP... I would run the test pipe until emissions testing time...
2011-06-23 01:04:12
I think having an option for both v band and the 2 bolt flange in stock cat location and making them made to order would be the best way to go about this. I personaly have a test pipe, and run a cat just for when I go to inspection.
2011-06-23 01:13:28
I have to run a cat too, and a 2 bolt flange in the stock location would be awesome!
2011-06-23 03:43:28
Good to know. I have to get a few quotes from the machine shop and a local rod end supplier tomorrow for the b13 lcas, pick up some Subaru parts, and then start fabbing these parts!
2011-06-25 04:45:41
Finished the prototype 3.0 in. down pipe today. just need to fixture it and then I'll be ready to crank out some parts. It's tucked up as far as possible, less than a fingers width between the upper pan and the tubing...also clears larger dia. sway bars. I should be able to use this design with the bluebird/avenir, gtir, and SR20 Evolved 02 housings/manifold with a little tweaking.

Last edited by javierb14 on 2011-06-25 at 04-52-22.
2011-06-25 04:52:08
so whats the price on one of those downpipes and a 3 inch outlet pipe?
2011-06-25 04:53:55
I'll figure out tomorrow!
2011-06-25 15:08:54
I like it.
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