When I first started working on the Coil On Plug conversion for the SR20 I did so out of pure interest. Once it actually worked, I was then interested in making money from it. But I haven't, and this cagey one man approach to product design was foolish and did nothing but make the community look towards this as another hopeful not being able to deliver. This controller will never make me rich, nor any sort of impact financially on my life. But it will bring me closer to building a portfolio to market my abilities. So with that I have decided to open the schematics for the COP controller. With these schematics you will be able to design your own PCB's, order your components from any vendor you choose, build and customize it to your choosing. Alternatively, you can purchase from me in the form of a completed PCB, or in a kit that you can put together yourself(a link will be provided at a later date).
Think of this as a Hackerspace.
I will start rolling out schematics by this weekend.
Think of this as a Hackerspace.
I will start rolling out schematics by this weekend.