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Thread: Wideband readings

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2016-01-27 02:27:37
Wideband readings
Finally got my wideband installed today and was I surprised with what i found

Idle was around 14.3 to 15.5
Cruising was around 14.0 to 15.8
Wot was 9.1 to 9.5

What do you guys think of the numbers.
Also I ran the numbers on my jwt and it seems to come up as a 1.6 ecu. Anyone ever heard of a 1.6 ecu on a b14. Also my idle sucks but that's hopefully a different issue.

B14 with avenir swap.
2016-01-27 02:32:22
wot is really rich, you want 11.5 or so, idle and cruise is ok, but has a big range , do you have an adjustable fuel pressure regulator, if so what is it reading. does your ecu still look for the stock o2 sensor ? how is your coolant temp sensor.

maybe you can also reground your maf, and make sure your using the correct injectors that match your ecu
2016-01-27 02:55:22
I'm getting my nemu next week or this weekend. I rwgrounded the maf but I'm going map anyways next week. I'm installing new coolant sensors tomorrow. It has a nismo fpr set at about 58psi and it says 4bar on the very very faded sticker on the ecu
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