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Thread: New realtime tuning option with Altima ECU?

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2016-04-14 06:25:00
Originally Posted by JKTUNING

I have been testing around with the newer 32 bit flashable ECus and just need to find the time to actually get a flash tool written for them.

Do you think we could adopt the Tactrix cable and ECU Flash to do the magic?

If we can disable OBD2 codes like on Subaru's, then we wouldn't have to worry about doing anything with cam sensors and other missing sensors, could just disabled it in the tune.

Getting ahead of myself: MAF would be another interesting one, since newer post 2000's MAFs are horribly unreliable it would be nice to be able to use our trusty E60/Z32's.
2016-04-14 13:41:49
I wouldn't say 2000+ MAF's are horrible. I have only had one bad one on our SE and that was after 130k miles of use. I have been blowing 9-14psi through a 155k mile one for two years and it is still working great. They are also pretty cheap $99 OEM factory part. (same as maxima 3.0l maf)
2016-04-15 04:39:02
What's the common saying on G20.net? It's always the maf . Actually G20 and B15 MAF's, while are not as duarable as older ones, are still much better then 02+ Maxima ones. Coworker had issues with his under 100k, $600 later and $100 ECU reflash later form the dealer, car was finally running.
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