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Thread: AEM 2 series timing errors help

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2014-05-16 19:25:59
AEM 2 series timing errors help
first let me give you some history about the car have been working on a turbo kit for the past year and finally got around to installing all the parts this past month I've been getting ready to take the car to the Dyno then took the car to the Dyno and the Tuning shop wired up the MAP sensor and the iat sensor and 24-1 cas disk.

the tuning shop was able to get the car up and running but they can no longer finish the tune because they get random timing errors they especially get timing errors at 3000 rpm right before the car goes into boost

so far I've changed the dizzy and put a new cap and rotor but nothing has seemed to help. The car was runing fine when it was N\A

This has been a real struggle thanks to anyone in advance that tries to help and sorry for the grammar errors

Ill try to upload my calibration and log as soon as i can
2014-05-16 19:53:32
did you sync timing correctly and verify no timing drift?
2014-05-16 20:26:07
Well i took it to a tune shop I would assume they did all the time sync properly. I need to get my hands on a timing light if i wanted to verify myself
2014-05-16 20:27:33
Have you eperienced this before
2014-05-17 02:40:33
I was having the same problems with timing errors. Come to find out I had some wires crossed in my harness causing a short.
2014-05-17 14:44:01
Damn what wires caused your timing errors And how can i upload my .cal file so you guys can see what im working with
2014-05-17 15:18:52
The first harness was hacked up where it connects to the AEM. Then I got a complete harness and let someone install it and the same errors came up, but not as bad. I let a second shop attempt to tune it and they found that the harness had wires crossed at the TPS and the sensor was bad. Boom finally tuned.
2014-05-17 17:41:22
let me tell you when something is wrong with a mans car and he dosent know why his mind goes to dark places this has truely been a struggle but i wont give up hope

Im wondering why it always misfire/timing error at 3k rpm it like right be for boost
2014-05-17 18:33:42
Sounds like a ground problem. I would check to see if your sensors fluctuate a lot when the car is running. I e the tps value jumps a lot when the care idles this could be your problem. I would also check battery volts at idle and with throttle to see of they change a lot. Could be a bad alternator causing problems.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
2014-05-19 01:57:00
I check the the volts on the tps and at the sensor its .42v closed the aem reads .38v and ive notice that almost everytime i open the throttle quickly i get a timing error. Its like the aem cant keep up. But my throttle respone seems fine . Hmmm

I did a log but how do i up load it so you guys can look and i still havent got my hand on a timing light
Last edited by 200sxmia on 2014-05-19 at 01-58-46.
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