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Thread: Aem wideband replacement sensor

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2012-11-28 04:06:30
Aem wideband replacement sensor
Not sure if everyones or who know but i realizd my wideband was on its last leg when it stayed lean forever. I found a cheap replacement sensor that was in stock at autozone and now is working perfect. A 2000 Subaru Forester upstream sensor is the exact same sensor part number 17018.
2012-11-28 06:26:31
How much did it run you up? Thanks for the tip!
2012-11-28 06:59:09
same harness plug too?

looking on advance's site found this:

Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2012-11-28 at 07-14-17.
2012-11-28 14:05:18
Looks like it's $62 at my autozone.

Ebay is $45.62

Amazon is $44.67 primed
Bosch 17018 Oxygen Sensor, OE Type Fitment : Amazon.com : [email]Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com[/email]/images/I/31RCKDDES6L.@@AMEPARAM@@31RCKDDES6L
Last edited by Vadim on 2012-11-28 at 14-06-10.
2012-11-28 14:20:41
The only thing to watch out for with the AEM sensor is the resistance that is etched into the side of the connector..

The gauge comes calibrated to use with the sensor with a certain resistance, they aren't all the same. If you take note it will be etched into the side of the plug.. HOWEVER I have used these replacement sensors and haven't had an issue in the past.

Just something to take note of!
2012-11-28 17:04:49
It ran me $61 and some change but it was in stock at many locations!! It has the exact same connector and everything! I'm always on the look out for convenience and cheap price
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