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Thread: Low speed drivability issues

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2012-11-04 05:27:13
Low speed drivability issues
Hey guys, wonder if anyone can share some ideas about some tuning issues.

My car is a p10, sr20vet setup, 2871r turbo, n1 intake and TB, 6 speed with light flywheel. Running Nemu RT.

Ive found for some time now the car has had issues with light throttle, like trying to crawl along in 1st gear in traffic and in carparks etc, where the car gets a jerky light throttle, and generally gets so bad i need to dip the clutch to stop it. There may be a issue with using a N1 throttle, where the pedal is a bit more sensitive and is almost getting a resonance.

I found that removing a lot of timing in the 1st column of timing load helped a lot when going from fuel cut, and i could try wind a bit more out to see if it helps further, but i notice factory rom files dont do this, so why is it nessesary in Tunercode?

Ive also adjusted down the lower load values of the Fuel Cut Accel Inj to try reduce the kick of fuel coming in when the throttle is applied off fuel cut. Ive adjusted the TPS up a little higher than stock, i think when i started it was a bit low, about .4, made it .48 without a noticable difference, and i think its on .52 atm to try make the fuel cut not come it so easy on light throttle, but i dont want to remove fuel cut all together.

The answer could be in the fuel cut tables, but ive found it tricky to work out what to change as there are some many values with being so many temperatures and columns, and not having a trace of which cell is currently doing anything to the fuelling of the engine.

Once moving the car is pretty good, going over speed humps in 2nd or 3rd is fine, just at lower speeds and gears.

Engine mounts are stock and in OK condition, have been wondering if a ricer engine damper might help? Im fairly sure there must be a tuning issue tho.
2012-11-04 06:31:34
2012-11-04 06:54:49
Hard to say how much they are changing at that sort of load, ive tried to data log it, prob be best if i could then screenshot the log graphs? It idles and cruises around mid 15's.
2012-11-04 06:56:41
hmmm do you have an actual afr gauge hooked up? or are u using the adc input?
2012-11-04 07:01:15
Oh yeah, Innovate wideband just behind the engine. Have a gauge as well as connected to adc input. Gauge is digital so a little hard to see small changes while driving.
2012-11-04 07:03:00
do the gauge numbers match the numbers in nismotronic? if so shoot me a TCL lynchfourtwenty@hotmail.com
2012-11-04 07:12:05
I could download a recent log from the nemu and try send it to you? Last time it was driven was maybe a 20min drive with my brother in law driving, and he commented about it being jerky at light throttle.

I cant drive atm, back is stuffed up and i cant get into the car to drive it

There was a difference when i 1st powered it all up, i had to setup a offset in the adc inputs screen, its set to -.02. was maybe half a point off. I prob need to rewire it with a intake manfold earth.
2012-11-04 07:14:12
by chance.. is the bov recirc, or open to atmosphere? if you can send a log of the issue actually happening i maybe able to spot something.
2012-11-04 07:34:39
Its blowthru with bov before the maf. Bov is got a pretty strong spring.

Ive loaded the nemu internal memory to laptop, can load a log file and look at it, but ive never been able to save a log file. Have spoken to John about this but havent been able to work out why, when i hit the save log button on the graph screen nothing happens, and the save log in the drop down menu is greyed out, so im at a loss how i can save a log and send it to you atm.
2012-11-04 08:06:32
umm if u update, the most recent version saves the log when u hit the recording button a second time, it auto names it an saves to the directory you specify.
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