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Thread: SR20VE best A/F

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2012-10-19 16:10:35
SR20VE best A/F

i installed a wideband today, (not connected to ecu)

my idle is 17.xx and my WOT is 15.xx to 16.xx

what will be the best A/F ratio?

adjust fuel table? or adjust K-values?

2012-10-19 17:44:24
You want the idle around 14.5-15 at most, WOT at 12.5-13, you are way to LEAN. In the middle you want to be in between those, more rich as RPM increases.

What tuning software are you using? I would slightly adjust the K value to get you closer, then do the fine touches with the map.
Last edited by squirlz on 2012-10-19 at 21-31-10.
2012-10-19 18:02:25
you mean way too lean squirlz lol

yes adjust k value till you are 15.0 max at idle and light cruising and do the rest with the fuel table itself.
2012-10-19 21:31:32
Originally Posted by Haulin200sx
you mean way too lean squirlz lol

yes adjust k value till you are 15.0 max at idle and light cruising and do the rest with the fuel table itself.

Correct, and edited.
2012-10-19 23:00:04
thanks guys,

i'm using nemu rt ecu, nismotronic software
2012-10-19 23:03:45
also... some people are saying thier VE likes 13.0 to 13.4 WOT instead of the normal 12.8-13.0

Try both out on the dyno/virtual dyno

Don't forget to have the correct VQ map for what ever MAF sensor you use

Happy tunning
Last edited by Haulin200sx on 2012-10-19 at 23-04-56.
2012-10-19 23:51:50
I would change the current injector size then instead of the K value. Bring down the current injector size to richen it up.
2012-10-20 11:27:06
i tried adjusting K-values 20% nothing happens, till i add almost 50 percent nothing happens, i tried adding at fuel tables and it works, right now i'm having a a/f 12.8 - 3.2 at WOT, 14-15 idle and crusing

btw I'm using a E60 Maf, don't know what's the VQ table
2012-10-20 13:19:10
When you change any of the text values (kvalue/injectors) you need to hit TAB or click off of that value for the changes to take affect, if you DO NOT do this it will never know when you are done changing the value!

My guess is that you were not clicking off the value before trying to upload!
Last edited by JKTUNING on 2012-10-20 at 13-20-32.
2012-10-20 14:06:29
your guess is right sir john, the a/f now is 13.8 idle, 12.8 wot by only adding 20% of K-value with base fuel table, thanks sir
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