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Thread: Calum R/T ECU and Nistune software question

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2012-10-22 23:08:21
Do the calum ecu drivers need to be installed?
2012-10-22 23:28:27
I could be wrong but I would assume so. Truthfully though, it takes only a few seconds to download them so it isn't a bother. Also, they are virtual port drivers, so even if they weren't needed, they wouldn't affect anything anyways. The drivers would only be "active" if the calum ECU required them.
Last edited by B15NEOVVL on 2012-10-22 at 23-30-29.
2012-10-22 23:39:33
Originally Posted by SR20?
Awesome! I am assuming this requires the Calum drivers to be installed?

Originally Posted by SR20?
Do the calum ecu drivers need to be installed?

Just install them... , no need to find out the hard way .
2012-10-22 23:47:35
Not my computron, so I might have to. Bummer.
2012-10-24 15:48:08
So, started the car today. At idle, I set the k value to 48000 and afr shows ~14:1. As soon as I touch the gas the car goes waaaayyyy lean like ~19-20:1 and it starts breaking up. I can let off the gas and it will go right back to idle and afr is 14:1 again.

How do I richen it up with throttle? Should I just take it to someone to tune?
Last edited by SR20? on 2012-10-24 at 15-48-57.
2012-10-24 18:31:13
Ignore the idle afr for now and concentrate on the afr from 2,000 rpm and above. Start by raising the K value until you get 14.7. Once you get the desired afr, leave the k value alone. Don't change it for the sake of the idle afr, otherwise you will be chasing your own tail.

Think of the idle as a separate part of the map, and it require it own fine tuning. Luckily, you have at your disposal the injector latency to play with. Drop the latency to lean the afr for the idle. When you are more familiar Nistune, you can play with the MAF curve to fix the idle.
Last edited by KillerKrossover on 2012-10-24 at 18-38-41.
2012-10-24 23:03:48
Well, I can't get it to rev over 1600 rpm. It will just go way lean and break up and rpms drop. Sometimes it will when its really hot, but 90% of the time it won't. Might have to make a video for you guys. I have been using Tunerpro R/T and I am not very familiar with it. What is the difference between "primary fuel map - feedback" and "primary fuel map - no feedback"?? And what is the difference between the primary and secondary fuel maps?

Also, from the formulas I used, my k value should be 23232. But I can't even start it unless its at ~50000. Maybe hella vacuum leaks or something?
Last edited by SR20? on 2012-10-24 at 23-07-12.
2012-10-25 18:34:43
Wow, you need to start from the beggining and read this: http://www.plmsdevelopments.com/files/nissan_ecu_tuning_basics.pdf

It will explain all the maps and scalars.
2012-10-26 00:23:02
Ok, keep in mind I'm using Tunerpro R/T, not Nistune. I have my O2 feedback flag off and do not have the O2 sensor plugged in. Also have knock feedback flag off. From what they are saying, I need to zero out all 4 of the fuel maps and then adjust my k value?
Last edited by SR20? on 2012-10-26 at 00-48-58.
2012-10-26 00:39:53
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