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Thread: Calum R/T ECU and Nistune software question

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2012-10-17 03:01:13
Originally Posted by SR20?
I found a stock U13 bin and I'm trying to mod it for my setup. I'm looking at your VQ Table Spreadsheet and I was wondering, what is the difference between the Z32 OEM table and the Z32 Calum table? If I'm swapping the VQ table on this stock U13 bin, would I use the Z32 Calum table? Then after I modify the VQ Table, what is the formula for the K value? And what do I need to change on the TP scale?

And what is the "feedback control flag"?

Calum VQ table is what Calum uses in his Z32 maps, it's incorrect so I should remove it actually.

Feedback control flag is o2 sensor and knock sensor feedback
2012-10-17 03:48:14
I let the software do the base calculation (Nistune)to get the K close then I adjust it realtime to get it perfect.
2012-10-17 23:04:39
Originally Posted by BlueRB240
I let the software do the base calculation (Nistune)to get the K close then I adjust it realtime to get it perfect.

Well, the k value formula for the injectors is easy, but I don't know the formula for the MAF. I don't have Nistune so I can't just let it do the calculation for me.

To swap the MAF, you change the VQ Table (easy), you change the K value (don't know the formula), and you change the TP scales, correct? From the quote from Nistune I posted earlier, they are saying to do the two formulas together for the most accuracy. I don't understand how they went from 34k to 21k. Anyone care to explain that?

Stock U13 K value is 33,107. So to modify that for Injector Dynamics 1000cc and N62 MAF, the formula would be:

33,107 x (370/1000) x (550/290) = 23,232

Does that seem about right? Then after that, all I have to do is change the injector latency, injector voltage, and VQ table, right?
Last edited by SR20? on 2012-10-17 at 23-16-44.
2012-10-18 00:02:30
Originally Posted by SR20?

I was reading this off of Nistune's website and was wondering where the hell 21,475 came from? I'm confused on how it went from 34,275 to 21,475. Can someone explain this?

Don't worry about it, he made a mistake. Let him know so he can update the doc. The 34,275 and 21,475 are radom numbers use as examples.

Originally Posted by SR20?
Originally Posted by BlueRB240
I let the software do the base calculation (Nistune)to get the K close then I adjust it realtime to get it perfect.

Well, the k value formula for the injectors is easy, but I don't know the formula for the MAF. I don't have Nistune so I can't just let it do the calculation for me.

Confusing, thought you said you are using the Nistune software.

Originally Posted by SR20?

To swap the MAF, you change the VQ Table (easy), you change the K value (don't know the formula), and you change the TP scales, correct? From the quote from Nistune I posted earlier, they are saying to do the two formulas together for the most accuracy. I don't understand how they went from 34k to 21k. Anyone care to explain that?

Stock U13 K value is 33,107. So to modify that for Injector Dynamics 1000cc and N62 MAF, the formula would be:

33,107 x (370/1000) x (550/290) = 23,232

Does that seem about right? Then after that, all I have to do is change the injector latency, injector voltage, and VQ table, right?

You got it.
2012-10-18 00:08:47
Originally Posted by SR20?
I'm trying to use Nistune with my Calum R/T and it's been mostly successful. The only problem is when I try to "burn" the changes to the ECU it comes up with some error saying the changes couldn't be burned. Any tips or ideas? The car is a B13 Sentra SE-R and it has a OBD1 Calum R/T v1

Really, I'm just trying to get a safe bin to start my car with the new setup. 1000cc injectors and z32 maf

You DO NOT use the burn feature when using a Calum RT with Nistune.

You simply enable emulator 1, which connects the RT with Nistune.

Use the Download/Upload to emulator option to read and write bins. Thats it

With the current BIN loaded and Emulator on, it will allow for real time tuning. With the car on, Emulator on and Consult connected you can do full datalogging and MAP tracing.
2012-10-18 00:16:05
Awesome. SR20GTi-R, I think you have saved me a lot of headaches. I personally don't have the Nistune software, but I was using a friend's computer who has it.

To clarify, I do still need to download the drivers and hook up through the cable connected to the ECU?
2012-10-18 00:22:39
Originally Posted by lynchfourtwenty
instead of hitting burn, try the upload imagine to ecu button you shouldn't need to burn after that, the nistune an calum boards are different so maybe thats why. i think the burn button is just like a quick save with out having to re-upload the entire bin it just saves the changes.

you'll know it worked by shutting the car off and close nistune an re-start the car then re-open nistune and click the download image from ecu button it should be the one you uploaded.

if that doesn't work then i dont know.. i've never used nistune on a calum r/t.. you might try saving the .bin in nistune then uploading it with tunerpro or whatever program your suppose to use with the calum stuff, @Vadim would be the guy to ask about this.


Upload image is ONLY a temporary upload of the BIN while the ECU is on. If you upload image and shut the car off, all changes after the last burn will be lost. The burn options writes to the board. This option is only for the Nistune RT. Does nothing for the Calum.

Originally Posted by BlueRB240
The nistune bin will work with tuner pro.

100% Correct. They both read bins/ADR's the same.

Originally Posted by B15NEOVVL
Thanks. Maybe I will buy some Nistune software and experiment with my Calum ECU.

Smart move

Originally Posted by Vadim

Bin is the same (or rather they both can use same bin files). But Nistune it self might not recognize or like Calum chip.

I dont get what you mean by this.

Originally Posted by B15NEOVVL
Thanks. Maybe I will buy some Nistune software and experiment with my Calum ECU.

Do it

Nooo NEMU or go home [/QUOTE]

Unless you are revving/tuning past 8000RPM there is NO need.

Originally Posted by SR20?
Well, I've kind of given up on Nistune. Just going to try my best with Tunerpro R/T and see what happens. If I can't get any help, I might just get the Nemu since it seems to be the popular thing now with lots of support.

PM me if you need any help. I am catching up to PM's tonight.
Last edited by SR20GTi-R on 2012-10-18 at 00-30-31.
2012-10-18 00:27:36
Ah i see, i've always hit that burn button before i shut my car off or anything like that so i never had any issues. i knew that i had to when making changes but didnt know i had to if even just loading a bin, glad i've always hit the burn button just incase
2012-10-18 00:29:51
Originally Posted by lynchfourtwenty
Ah i see, i've always hit that burn button before i shut my car off or anything like that so i never had any issues. i knew that i had to when making changes but didnt know i had to if even just loading a bin, glad i've always hit the burn button just incase

Good move, I have had late nights of tuning and not hitting that button

Not too happy when i shut the car off after multiple pulls.
2012-10-18 00:34:04
I will try again with Nistune next week if I can get my buddy to come over with his computer. I'm sure I will have plenty of questions then.
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