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Thread: Calum R/T ECU and Nistune software question

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2012-10-14 06:10:51
Calum R/T ECU and Nistune software question
I'm trying to use Nistune with my Calum R/T and it's been mostly successful. The only problem is when I try to "burn" the changes to the ECU it comes up with some error saying the changes couldn't be burned. Any tips or ideas? The car is a B13 Sentra SE-R and it has a OBD1 Calum R/T v1

Really, I'm just trying to get a safe bin to start my car with the new setup. 1000cc injectors and z32 maf
Last edited by SR20? on 2012-10-14 at 06-12-25.
2012-10-14 06:37:32
I bet @lynchfourtwenty can help you out. I see he just signed on.

Last edited by B15NEOVVL on 2012-10-14 at 06-38-02.
2012-10-14 06:58:15
instead of hitting burn, try the upload imagine to ecu button you shouldn't need to burn after that, the nistune an calum boards are different so maybe thats why. i think the burn button is just like a quick save with out having to re-upload the entire bin it just saves the changes.

you'll know it worked by shutting the car off and close nistune an re-start the car then re-open nistune and click the download image from ecu button it should be the one you uploaded.

if that doesn't work then i dont know.. i've never used nistune on a calum r/t.. you might try saving the .bin in nistune then uploading it with tunerpro or whatever program your suppose to use with the calum stuff, @Vadim would be the guy to ask about this.
2012-10-14 07:14:45
Do you have the drivers loaded for the Calum? If you don't that might be causing problems too.
2012-10-15 00:11:51
Originally Posted by BlueRB240
Do you have the drivers loaded for the Calum? If you don't that might be causing problems too.

^ This may very well be your issue. Have you downloaded the current virtual port drivers so your computer will recognize the Calum ECU? You can get the most current drivers here: Virtual COM Port Drivers. If you are using the Windows operating system, you can download an executable version of the file (.exe), which is easier to setup and doesn't require you to unzip the file first. You can find this under the comments section in the table. Look for setup executable.

If you already have the drivers installed and your computer recognizes the Calum ECU, you can try to upload the Tune with TunerPro RT. As I mentioned last night in the chat, I am not sure how Nistune .bin files interact with TunerPro software. You may be able to save your modified .bin file (that you modified with the Nistune software) and then open the .bin file with TunerPro RT. At this point you would just hit the upfacing arrow in the control panel, to upload the .bin to the ECU. You would just have to make sure you have the appropriate B13 RT .xdf file.

I am honestly not sure how the Nistune .bin file will interact with TunerPro software. I am not sure if it will remain exactly the same. I assume it would but this is only theory as I have never used the Nistune software. In theory, the .bin file should remain and the xdf you use will determine how it is read. Maybe Vadim can confirm that the .bin will remain the same.

Of course, if you don't currently have the com port drivers installed, you should be able to upload the tune with Nistune once you set up the drivers. The previous two paragraphs may end up being a mute point.
2012-10-15 00:31:15
The nistune bin will work with tuner pro.
2012-10-15 00:50:17
Originally Posted by BlueRB240
The nistune bin will work with tuner pro.

Sure, I know that they are comaptible as far as working together. I guess my question was whether or not the .bin would be exactly the same as far as multiplier values an such. Will additional changes need to be made to the MAF VQ table or the K vlaue when using TunerPro vs Nistune? Are the multipliers the same between both platforms?

Last edited by B15NEOVVL on 2012-10-15 at 00-50-54.
2012-10-15 00:55:17
Well since each car is a little different minor changes might need to be done but for the most part. I never really used Tuner pro RT other than to upload bins to my friends Calum RT that I make for him.
2012-10-15 01:06:11
Thanks. Maybe I will buy some Nistune software and experiment with my Calum ECU.
2012-10-15 13:38:29
Originally Posted by BlueRB240
The nistune bin will work with tuner pro.

Bin is the same (or rather they both can use same bin files). But Nistune it self might not recognize or like Calum chip.

What he might have to do is, make changes with Nistune but upload it with TunerPro or a standalone upload utility (there is a little one that TunerPro offers).

Originally Posted by B15NEOVVL
Thanks. Maybe I will buy some Nistune software and experiment with my Calum ECU.

Nooo NEMU or go home
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