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Thread: Jwt vs. Calum Basic

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2012-10-04 21:48:25
Jwt vs. Calum Basic
Going to be picking up an ecu for my b14 in the next few weeks. Just wanted to see what you guys recommended as a far as a jwt ecu vs a calum basic. Car will also have an afc to make corrections where needed and also be fine tuned on the dyno, but for the meantime I want an ecu that will have the best base tune until I get it tuned and bring it to Jamie. Just wanted to get some input.
2012-10-04 22:17:13
calum period end of story end thread jamie cant do anything with a jwt

ditch the afc no need for that
2012-10-05 02:55:35
wow... I hate when n00b's bump threads from 2005
2012-10-05 07:43:35
Whatcha talking about, @blo0d? Thread was made only yesterday.
2012-10-05 11:11:20
whatttt noooo way that dude is asking about Jwt ecus and afcs in 2012 :o
Last edited by blo0d on 2012-10-05 at 11-15-57.
2012-10-05 13:44:27
Thanks morgans, ill pick up a calum basic for now then and get a nemu later on. Just need a basic ecu to have the car up and running decently.

Blood, no need to be a dick and post ur gay sarcasm. Simple question, if you dont wanna answer it then dont bother posting in my thread.
2012-10-05 13:46:31
Originally Posted by morgans432
calum period end of story end thread jamie cant do anything with a jwt

ditch the afc no need for that

If he is getting a NEMU, what does it matter what Jamie can or cannot do with whatever base ECU he picks up??

Either way, ditch the AFC and look for the proper OBD2 ecu (or steo down harness to the NEMU setup). There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a JWT ECU if you have access to one!
Last edited by Boostlee on 2012-10-05 at 13-47-48.
2012-10-05 13:53:36
Heres my plan. Get a calum basic just so that I can have the car up and running on a base bin and have it tuned by Jamie once everything all said and done. Nemu will be coming a few months from now, probably in the winter once I do a different setup. I just want a BASIC ecu for now so that it will be up and running decently. Car is only going to be running a t28 setup for now anyways, nothing crazy but I really want to push the car to its limits with the setup. Anybody ever put there car on a small hit with a t28 setup?
2012-10-05 13:56:23
- If you just want to get the car running with a T28 setup and save for a different setup later, then why push the limits to risk breaking it and have to put more money towards this same setup prolonging the future setup?
Last edited by MR-4Door-SR20DET on 2012-10-05 at 13-56-37.
2012-10-05 14:00:13
Because de's are cheap and I don't mind swapping in another motor to have some fun with a setup. Really want to see what the setup can do. Winters coming up soon so the car will be down anyways, might as well make it worth sitting in the garage for all that time.
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