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Thread: NEMU Cold Tuning

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2012-10-08 17:02:45
What radiator you running? With 50*F overnight weather car is plenty slow on warming up.
2012-10-08 17:19:06
Stock Radiator. Oh well motor is getting pulled soon for the B13 so once thats all ready i'll get back to it next summer.
2012-10-10 14:52:29
I finally replaced my bored out TB, with throttle plate that let some air through, after this my idle was really lean (and at 800 rpm finally). Thus I had to retune the current injector size (I don't touch K value if I can help it!) While I was at it, I decided to do the proper thing and lower the Current injector size value to the point where my cruising AFR's where 14.7 (not 15-17) like I had before.

K value: 31206
Base Injector Size: 259
Current Injector Size: 259

K value: 31206
Base Injector Size: 259
Current Injector Size: 240

Result is much richer idle, 13-14 (need to fix it still), and cruising AFR's are now 14-15.5 with values being at 192 for those cells.

Anyway, this morning started driving to work, car is in 100*F's as usual, noticed I'm overly rich, like 10-12afr in -10inhg to 0 psi. I quickly removed some of the enrichment that I added for the sputter, and it went up to 13afr's. No sputter though! I will return the TPS enrichment values back to stock and see if I still sputter.

Moral of the story, when you mess with overall enrichment of the fuel map, you mess with overall enrichment! This is why I stress that you first dial in your tune to 14.7 in the 192 areas before you do any other tuning, I personally like to run leaner then 14.7 and have no Front O2, thus I got caught up in it.

Now I will make those areas leaner again, but by messing with the fuel map values not overall enrichment! Since 192 is 0 enrichment, anything below that will be in negatives, so 180 should be -12, etc. You have until 130 before feedback stops working and it goes really RICH .
2012-10-11 14:13:50
Originally Posted by Vadim
I finally replaced my bored out TB, with throttle plate that let some air through, after this my idle was really lean (and at 800 rpm finally). Thus I had to retune the current injector size (I don't touch K value if I can help it!) While I was at it, I decided to do the proper thing and lower the Current injector size value to the point where my cruising AFR's where 14.7 (not 15-17) like I had before.

K value: 31206
Base Injector Size: 259
Current Injector Size: 259

K value: 31206
Base Injector Size: 259
Current Injector Size: 240

Result is much richer idle, 13-14 (need to fix it still), and cruising AFR's are now 14-15.5 with values being at 192 for those cells.

Anyway, this morning started driving to work, car is in 100*F's as usual, noticed I'm overly rich, like 10-12afr in -10inhg to 0 psi. I quickly removed some of the enrichment that I added for the sputter, and it went up to 13afr's. No sputter though! I will return the TPS enrichment values back to stock and see if I still sputter.

Moral of the story, when you mess with overall enrichment of the fuel map, you mess with overall enrichment! This is why I stress that you first dial in your tune to 14.7 in the 192 areas before you do any other tuning, I personally like to run leaner then 14.7 and have no Front O2, thus I got caught up in it.

Now I will make those areas leaner again, but by messing with the fuel map values not overall enrichment! Since 192 is 0 enrichment, anything below that will be in negatives, so 180 should be -12, etc. You have until 130 before feedback stops working and it goes really RICH .

I was messing with this on my last time I drove the car and was cruising at like 16afs lol Then kicked the 02 back on, sure does like to dip down into the 14s though when cruising with it on. Half tempted to kill the 02 as well. Really no need when you have a wideband.
2012-10-11 14:25:42
I'm gonna install the O2 sensor and try it out with it, see if gas mileage goes up or down compared to being leaner. Once we have V6 firmware we can have wideband closed loop!!!! I'm stoked about that one, basically you use the wideband and set the AFR you want the ECU to be at .
2012-10-11 14:30:49
^^^ Stoked as well!! SPoke to John yesterday and he is slaving away at it!
2012-10-11 22:02:09
Originally Posted by Boostlee
^^^ Stoked as well!! SPoke to John yesterday and he is slaving away at it!

super stoked as well!
keep up the good work guys!
2012-11-19 14:56:27
Alright I've been playing around with my DET and cold tuning more. AFR's don't cause this bogging indeed. I've had 17's and it was fine. It must be the timing (or lack there off). Since I went back to using my B13 base (from Avenir base) I've been fine on bogging no matter what AFR I was at.
2012-11-19 15:57:03
Care to post your current TCD Vadim?? I returned to a B13 base TCD after learning/hacking up the Base Bin John gave me LOL!
2012-11-19 18:02:17
Originally Posted by Boostlee
Care to post your current TCD Vadim?? I returned to a B13 base TCD after learning/hacking up the Base Bin John gave me LOL!

Sure here is both of them. One 370cc one 520cc

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