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Thread: NEMU Cold Tuning

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2012-09-29 18:24:19
I did several changes last night and gave them a try this morning. Unfortunately it was kind of hot this morning (17-18*C) and I can't really say if there is a great improvement or not. Car definitely runs better but I want to make sure it stays the same way when temperatures drop down.
Red lines show the current settings over the purple ones which are stock.
Right after starting the engine, I read richer mixtures than usually. Due to the timing advance I got the engine heated up a bit faster plus I kind of felt it pretty much the same way as warmed. Might be mistaking here but will see when it gets colder.
Last edited by martin7937 on 2012-09-29 at 18-26-00.
2012-10-01 00:10:01
Figured my issue out, it was because I was trying to use Avenir fuel and timing values for a lot of the tables. The car drove just fine today in the cold, it also cold started and idled a ton better.

I suggest you all start from a B13 stock tune (New TCD) and just export out your fuel and ignition tables and reimport them. Then bring over K value and other odds and ends, but leave all of the enrichment alone.
2012-10-01 01:49:15
I started with a B13/vvl base tune i think, then added in sr20det fuel and ignition maps, and then just tuned from there.

Im early days with the tuning on mine, had fuel pump fail so was trying to tune around that, will need to go back to the begining and start again now ive got new fuel pump in and its running about 5psi more than the stock one.

I like the onboard logging, helps if you forget to hit record on laptop, although it takes a while to download the logs.

At least if something happens during daily operation you can plug into laptop when you get home, although finding the correct log or the correct place in the log can be a challenge.
2012-10-01 15:03:55
I'm still having issues with mine on cold mornings. low rpm cruising through my neighborhood and school streets have it cutting fuel which has me worried, once warmed up or starting on a warm day there are no issues.

Nismotronic ecu here. SR20VE, would it be the fuel mapping I need to look at?
2012-10-01 16:04:50
Kirru post your fuel map, I want to see if ours are in common
2012-10-01 17:32:22
Originally Posted by LikeTheMovies
Kirru post your fuel map, I want to see if ours are in common

Fuel map wont have as much effect as the enrichment tables. Fuel map stays the same hot or cold.
2012-10-01 17:34:56
Originally Posted by Vadim
Originally Posted by LikeTheMovies
Kirru post your fuel map, I want to see if ours are in common

Fuel map wont have as much effect as the enrichment tables. Fuel map stays the same hot or cold.

I changed my numbers on my fuel map where cruise and idle are and it effected it. 206 richened it up compared to 192.
2012-10-01 17:57:48
Originally Posted by LikeTheMovies
Originally Posted by Vadim
Originally Posted by LikeTheMovies
Kirru post your fuel map, I want to see if ours are in common

Fuel map wont have as much effect as the enrichment tables. Fuel map stays the same hot or cold.

I changed my numbers on my fuel map where cruise and idle are and it effected it. 206 richened it up compared to 192.

Yes, but what Vadim was saying is that richening the fuel map up will change it globally not just when cold!

If your problems are for the most part only when cold, you should be adjusting the coolant fuel enrichment map.
2012-10-01 18:17:21
Originally Posted by JKTUNING
Originally Posted by LikeTheMovies
Originally Posted by Vadim
Originally Posted by LikeTheMovies
Kirru post your fuel map, I want to see if ours are in common

Fuel map wont have as much effect as the enrichment tables. Fuel map stays the same hot or cold.

I changed my numbers on my fuel map where cruise and idle are and it effected it. 206 richened it up compared to 192.

Yes, but what Vadim was saying is that richening the fuel map up will change it globally not just when cold!

If your problems are for the most part only when cold, you should be adjusting the coolant fuel enrichment map.

Ok I understand that, but I thought when the car is in closed loop it reads the values from the map? Then once in open loop it does not, but just what open loop would be 14.7. Maybe I misread something somewhere.
2012-10-01 22:23:11
Well, either way here is a screen shot for my fuel map.

and for kicks here is the enrichment table.

I'd really like to get the issue solved, same as OP. Going to get a recording when i go to work in the AM to really figure out what the issue is.
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