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Thread: NEMU Cold Tuning

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2012-09-11 18:38:33
Ops yeah lol
2012-09-20 16:19:53
I think I got it fixed for the most part. Today's drive to work wasn't as violently jerking as usual

Check out ECT TPS Enrich table
Last edited by Vadim on 2012-09-20 at 16-20-13.
2012-09-23 16:02:34
What did you do with that table?
2012-09-23 20:36:41

Has this fixed your cold sputtering problem?

Are you only increasing enrichment in the colder area of the table or are you giving more enrichment at all temperature ranges?
2012-09-23 23:05:28
can yuo share how much enrichment you added to ETC table?

Originally Posted by Vadim
I think I got it fixed for the most part. Today's drive to work wasn't as violently jerking as usual

Check out ECT TPS Enrich table
2012-09-24 03:58:00
C'mon guys look at the actual values int he circled area and compare to the values outside of it the circled area and compare to your values. The only thing I did is add more fuel where it was sputtering (it's not getting colder then 60 CLT yet so no reason to touch those YET.). Main ECT table is stock B13 values.

Car is down right now so can't really say if it fixed the issue 100%, but it felt much better then before.
Last edited by Vadim on 2012-09-24 at 03-58-14.
2012-09-24 04:03:21
that photo doesnt load for me...
2012-09-24 10:39:40
Originally Posted by unijabnx2000
that photo doesnt load for me...


me either
2012-09-24 11:34:37
Vadim --

Did you block the coolant passage through the throttle body? I have similar issues (a bit of hesitation during warmup) but it quickly passes and I was wondering if it might be related to the absence of coolant flowing through the TB.


2012-09-24 13:11:22
Photo doesn't show for me either. Vadim can you elaborate please
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