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Thread: question about aem 1600 basemap for sr20det

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2012-08-19 20:51:19
question about aem 1600 basemap for sr20det
i for a long time have been using a tune and been tuning off of that map. but i am currently looking to up my boost and have it just completely retuned from scratch.

my question is. i have been looking at start up calibrations for the sr20det MAP based 1600 aem stand alone. and i know you have to go in and setup the fuel injectors from stock based injectors and stock based fuel pressure 3bar to 3 bar and your current fuel injector in this case would be 72lb msd injectors.

the issue i am running into looking at the base maps is the fuel map looks off. and i guess my question is does the startup calibration fuel map have to be adjust untill it starts and runs? comparing my current fuel map to the start up fuel map the start up map looks lean and when i load the start up calibration and try to get the car to start its lean and doesnt want to idle. so does the fuel map have to be completely adjust until it idles and runs? or am i doing something wrong?

thanks to anyone who responds.
2012-08-19 21:22:24
did you configure the map sensor,
and adjust your breakpoints before messing with the ign or fuel map?
Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2012-08-19 at 21-24-24.
2012-08-19 21:25:37
yeah i mean if i configure the map sensor it doesnt change the fuel map for instance the bottom of the fuel map at -11.76 psig from 0 to 10,000 is completely zeroed out and the whole startup basemap seems lean? compared to the current map i have
2012-08-19 21:31:32
where does your car idle at?

mine idles about -10psig & @ 18.5 deg timing

are you using PW or raw for your fuel map?
2012-08-19 21:34:45
PW mine also idles around -10psig

did you have to do any fuel adjustments for your car to idle using the start up cali?
2012-08-19 21:39:12
Originally Posted by GT2871RBLUBIRD
PW mine also idles around -10psig

did you have to do any fuel adjustments for your car to idle using the start up cali?

im using raw but i have 550 injectors.
@ .......... 500 | 1000rpm
-9.07psi - 20 | 19
-11.7psi - 10 | 10
Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2012-08-19 at 21-39-37.
2012-08-19 21:44:12
could you send me a copy of your fuel map or calibration so i could take a look
2012-08-19 21:45:14
send me your email
2012-08-19 21:45:49
2012-08-20 23:39:38
I know we have been around and around on this a few times, but the basic configuration is broken down into the following steps:

1) Choose appropriate startup cal
2) Select/Configure your sensors (AIT, O2, MAP)
3) Setup your break points
4) Change Fuel Injector using wizard (this will adjust the map)
5) Confirm battery offset if your injectors aren't in the list
6) Calibrate TPS sensor, then do a TPS calibration in the AEM EMS software
7) Confirm your outputs match up to the pins you have them wired to (such as FAN, A/C, Power Steering, additional outputs/inputs)
8) Attempt startup
9) If car idles, verify timing with timing light, then go into AEM software and sync the timing
10) Adjust fuel/air mixtures until car idles smoothly, then work on warm up enrichment/cold start

I don't know how looking at other people's maps without the back ground knowledge is really going to help you out. I'm not busting your balls here, I just don't want you to kill a motor either. Just take your time, work through all the steps. Also work with the Fuel Injection 101 manual and user manual for tips and tricks on how to do the different table setups.

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