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Thread: AEM help

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2012-08-03 04:47:22
AEM help
Who can walk me through what I need to do, to change the settings from B13 single coil ignition to what it needs to be changed to for my S15 coils to work.
This wont be easy, Ive never used AEMpro (although i have it installed on my laptop) and not sure where to start. I am a fast learner though.

Ive got the time, since I have to get a 20V valve cover to use the coilpacks. (they dont seat in the VE cover)
2012-08-03 05:49:12
are you using a 24-1 disk?

If so just follow the 24-1 instructions for the s13 rwd setup. Only thing that is going to change is your ignition phasing.

Also go into your coil wizard and see if that coil is in there or an s15 coil.

Nissan CAS disc

Again use the sr20det one. Your ignition phasing is going to end up being around 4.5 though. Once the car is started and idling decent you will need to set your ignition timing using the set ignition timing under the ecu dropdown.

Good luck, all i can say is become very familiar with the aem before undertaking the task or it will take you a while. I was pretty familiar and mine to originally get it started and running right took several hours, burned up 1 starter and killed 1 battery in the process.
2012-08-03 05:59:21
^ That wont cause me to lose my current tune?

I do have the AEM 24:1 disc

My car has been running AEM for 1.5 years. A professional shop tuned it for me way back then. I was hoping that just a handful of settings be changed on the current calibration and voila.
Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2012-08-03 at 06-26-32.
2012-08-03 06:43:09
After I figured out where to find the basemaps....

I was sitting here looking through the S15 MAP base map, and I think I understand what I need to change under the (maybe others)

Options|coil settings
view|wizards options

I'll know more once I can connect to my EMS and look at and save(before changing) the current calibration on it.

Also found this by benfenner over there. http://forum.aempower.com/forum/index.php/topic,25032.0.html
Last edited by unijabnx2000 on 2012-08-03 at 07-21-29.
2012-08-03 10:54:32
Originally Posted by unijabnx2000
Who can walk me through what I need to do, to change the settings from B13 single coil ignition to what it needs to be changed to for my S15 coils to work.
This wont be easy, Ive never used AEMpro (although i have it installed on my laptop) and not sure where to start. I am a fast learner though.

Ive got the time, since I have to get a 20V valve cover to use the coilpacks. (they dont seat in the VE cover)

you just need to wire up the other coils and turn on the outputs from the ems. As for the ignition the setup will be a cross between the sr20det and the ka24de 24-1 setup. I know that ben had pretty good instructions on how to set this up.
Last edited by cortrim1 on 2012-08-03 at 11-52-01.
2012-08-03 14:32:36
yeah since you had a running tune, just turn the coil outputs on for #2,3,and4 coils and then set the parameters up in the ignition and crank/cam sensor sections as well as the coil type in the wizard
2012-08-08 21:39:26
Without being able to check the timing yet, or try to start it.. (20v valve cover is not here yet.)

Ive set just about everything I know to.

I havent changed the Ign sync, or the pickup delay comp (I'll check the timing once its running)

But when I was going through the Link you posted Ashton (Nissan CAS disc)
I dont know if I should do the last two steps or not in the sr20det document.
2012-08-09 01:33:00
Since you already had the 24-1 cas disc these settings should have already been set for you. So you wouldn't need to make the adjustments. The changes you need to make are for the S15 coil dwell, enable the coil outputs and possibly the injector phasing if yours wasn't setup like the S15 (AEM 30-1603 MAP startup Cal has the settings)

2012-08-09 03:08:50
Dude I had an awesome writeup that a dude did to his 240sx running 4 ls1 coils using an aem ems idk where in my bookmars tab it is though good luck trying to figure this out.
2012-08-09 03:51:33
Originally Posted by coach
Since you already had the 24-1 cas disc these settings should have already been set for you. So you wouldn't need to make the adjustments. The changes you need to make are for the S15 coil dwell, enable the coil outputs and possibly the injector phasing if yours wasn't setup like the S15 (AEM 30-1603 MAP startup Cal has the settings)


Yeah im going to try to start it tomorrow with the coilpacks attached to the spark plug wires...

since the cover isnt here yet. Just to see if it works.

Originally Posted by Scrildo
Dude I had an awesome writeup that a dude did to his 240sx running 4 ls1 coils using an aem ems idk where in my bookmars tab it is though good luck trying to figure this out.

This has been done by a couple people already, so i know it will work
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