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Thread: LF ga16de xdf file

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2012-07-02 03:26:22
LF ga16de xdf file
as the topic states i am trying to locate a XDF file for the ga16de for turner pro
any help is appreciated
2012-07-02 03:35:20
That'd be cool
2012-07-04 02:49:27
still looking
2012-07-24 16:59:36
i am looking for a bin too anyone ?
2012-07-24 19:41:33
There is not one. I used a chipped sr ecu and maf on my boosted ga.
Last edited by P10FTW on 2012-07-24 at 19-42-53.
2012-07-24 20:42:08
Originally Posted by P10FTW
There is not one. I used a chipped sr ecu and maf on my boosted ga.

do you have the tune of your ga16de i also have a ga16de with sr ecu with daugther board but with stock map i am looking for a tune with 370cc with a t28
2012-07-25 02:32:55
No. I used a turbo DE to get me by for a while, it worked well enough to ge it running good and was a good base tostart off.
2012-08-02 02:48:05
still looking
2012-08-02 02:50:51
I had a calum ecu for a ga16, the xdf files definitely exist. I'd post it up but I don't think I've saved the emails. check the old forums, it's a possibility it's on there
Last edited by wildmane on 2012-08-02 at 02-53-26.
2012-08-02 03:02:58
ive search hi and low ....cant find it
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