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Thread: "Big value special engine builders" gti-r ecu

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2011-10-15 23:05:07
"Big value special engine builders" gti-r ecu
Well it turns out i bought a chipped ECU by mistake... they sent me the wrong one... i suspected when i saw the sticker outside... i opened it and this is what i found:

I found 0 on the interwebs, i know the ecu came from a japanese gti-r imported to UK... anyone know something about "big value" Special engine builders?
2011-10-16 02:00:22
looks like these ppl G.T WORKS TOP

maybe a good board to be a base for a realtime, it does many of the Nissan ecus. By sliding the chip one row to the left/right you can switch between odd/even and "skip" (same rom on both chips)

this is a scanned PDF of installaion instructions for the version 2 board that may even do the VVL ecus. I know the ER34 ecu has similar board.


its like a BIKI megaboard but a basic (burn chips) style.


been thinking why a "realtime board" with two headers(like emulator) on ribbon cables cant be used on any basic board, with 2 x 28(or 32) pin, once we are free to load any rom and use any definition.
2011-10-16 03:55:12
Oh oh oh... slow down... ahahahahahah... that´s like chinese to me... i don´t know anything about electronics... i should have studied more i know... but...

So i checked the site and it seems it´s a M377 Multi Board&Electronic from them, with 2 burned chips, it´s not a realtime but it could be? did i get it right?

The hardware seems to be from them, but "big value" did the chips/maps probably???

Thank you for your help nonetheless...
2011-10-16 10:26:44
definately not realtime, cannot be made realtime easily.

Its a basic style board which means you burn eproms.

First pull existing rom using calumsult or whatever.

To tune u would need to unsolder the eproms because they are not socketed in your board. Put in sockets, ZIF or normal type.

Toss out those eproms because they look like UV type to me, get flash type eeproms

burn your new tune.

depending on the position of the chips, I cant see clearly in your pics, but if in U1 and U2 it is odd/even 256k chips

if in U3 and U4 it is skip, same data on both chips. 512k chips

I looked at the translation of their site and it seems its the turbo ER34, not N/A so prolly doesn't do the VE ecu, they list HP11 but I suspect that is the 30 + 20 style header with the smaller pin pitch.
Last edited by yoshoto on 2011-10-16 at 10-30-10.
2011-10-16 18:53:02
Ok man, thanks for all your help... i apreciate it...

I don´t understand the reason for 2 chips...

And would this still work with nissan datascan? This chips usually only mess with timing, fuelling and boost values right?
2011-10-23 04:13:49
2 x 8 bit chips = 16bit and this is required because the microp on this nissan ecu addresses a 16bit ROM. They could have used one 16bit chip like JWT but at the time this approach was cheaper.

dont worry about it, u don't need to understand to be able to use it, it looks like the board is setup odd/even that can be a bit tricky but since u can use the U3 U4 locations u can burn same rom on both 512k chips.

this will work with data scan or any consult program if they have left the original part of the ROM that deals with consult intact. It should be. It depends what they tuned for, that will affect what areas of the ROM or what tables they changed. Typically it will be fuel and timing but it could be maf tables and lots of other stuff to do with idling and deceleration if big injectors and/or cams were tuned for.
2011-10-24 10:16:02
hummmmmmmm ok man thank you very much, i hope is just a tune for "standardish" setup...
2011-10-24 16:16:38
you can just use calumsult or any other consult port software to read the rom and then open it in romeditor or a trial version of nistune. then compare it to an oem gti-r map.
2011-10-24 18:55:38
Originally Posted by nickr
you can just use calumsult or any other consult port software to read the rom and then open it in romeditor or a trial version of nistune. then compare it to an oem gti-r map.

That would be really cool... but what about the values? It´s a 2D map right, rotation VS load, or Rotation VS MAF signal, i don´t really know to interpret the map... i have to read on it... but i will check it anyway... thx
2011-10-25 03:12:59
i too have a board like this ...the pdf diagram is in Chinese (or Japanese) could someone translate or explain how to set the jumpers for different vehicles?

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