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Thread: What Engine Management to use Advice

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2010-03-28 22:57:20
What Engine Management to use Advice
Im almost done with my turbo setup.The thing is I can't decide what engine management should I use.I've used tunerpro and nistune but neither of them have the ability to moniter knock and I also need to tune over 9k.Those are to features Im most intrested in especially monitering knock.Then another issue is that it's a b14 obd2 and I hate tunning that ve map bullsh**.The solution I came up with is get a obd2 to obd1 step down harness with a b13 calum real time(wich is almost impossible to get)and buy a knock monitering device a saw.Plus I will also need the new tuner program to tune over 8k.So once having bought all I have said I will end up spending about 990+.

B13 Realtime-350
New tuner program-100
Knock monitering device-380
Step down harness-160

Now here is what Im thinking.Im going to have to spend 1000 dollars on all those parts I listed.I was thinking to spend alittle more and buy a AEM instead and I will be able to do alot more for almost the same price but I don't know how good are the AEM's EMS.Since I know i few people that have them and got rid of them for reasons I don't know.

I will like to know what you guys think I should use.What EMS would you guys recomended or concider the best for a high whp sr21vet?Any comments or suggestions welcome.
2010-03-28 23:42:56
Might want to look at Haltech too I think they can monitor knock too.
2010-03-29 01:31:27
The best thing I ever did for my engine was upgrading to AEM EMS. It is my favorite mod by far. You won't be disappointed. I highly recommend it in your case.
2010-03-29 01:48:13
Originally Posted by BenFenner
The best thing I ever did for my engine was upgrading to AEM EMS. It is my favorite mod by far. You won't be disappointed. I highly recommend it in your case.

Yea I know.But it looks so complicated.If I could get atleast some kind of base map to start off then I think I should be str8.I don't feel to confident tunning my car with AEM bacause of my lack of understanding of how everything works.
2010-03-29 01:51:16
Check with Dave Dunn. His TunerCode monitors knock and can be programmed for 12K rpm use. I'm using it along with a Calum B13RTv1 and Tunerpro v5 and it's awesome. I'm NA but can use TunerCode for any upgrade I decide in the future. Also check with Cliff aka Tekkie, he has a B13RT ecu on his B14 using the stepdown harness. He has a turbo setup also, has been working with Dave using the TunerCode software. Both Dave & Cliff post often on the Dash, you can email Dave at dave@tunercode.com.
2010-03-29 02:08:58
Originally Posted by blusteelsr20
Check with Dave Dunn. His TunerCode monitors knock and can be programmed for 12K rpm use. I'm using it along with a Calum B13RTv1 and Tunerpro v5 and it's awesome. I'm NA but can use TunerCode for any upgrade I decide in the future. Also check with Cliff aka Tekkie, he has a B13RT ecu on his B14 using the stepdown harness. He has a turbo setup also, has been working with Dave using the TunerCode software. Both Dave & Cliff post often on the Dash, you can email Dave at dave@tunercode.com.

I was just reading up on it.I just saw that the new Tuner Code can log afr and knock.So I will rather use tuner code all day instead of AEM cause I'm very familiar with tunerpo and AEM looks to complicated for me but I will rather get AEM if I was more familiar with it.But till now I think I'm ganna have to get Tuner code.
2010-03-29 16:07:03
I have aem waiting to be installed. I also consider haltech and nistune prior to buying the aem.
2010-03-29 16:07:30
Originally Posted by sr20venosfreak
If I could get at least some kind of base map to start off then I think I should be str8.
If by "base map" you mean a calibration that will start the car and have all of the usual stuff done with only fuel and ignition fine tuning required then that should be obtainable from AEM.

It sounds like TunerCode has you covered though.
2010-03-30 00:01:54
Originally Posted by BenFenner
If by "base map" you mean a calibration that will start the car and have all of the usual stuff done with only fuel and ignition fine tuning required then that should be obtainable from AEM.

It sounds like TunerCode has you covered though.

Ben I read abit of AEM manuals and started to play around with the software and now I feel confident enough to go with AEM.With just alittle of reading and playing around with the program now it's looking kind of simple.I started of with one of their base tunes and adjusted to my setup and I think I'm good to go.I just have a few questions on some tables and features but I'll do some more reading and playing around with the program and then I'll post some question and hope you could help me out abit.
2010-03-30 00:40:36

I think you'll enjoy it. Obviously you've seen how decent the software is. It's cake.
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