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Thread: Dyno questions.........

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2010-03-02 06:03:22
Dyno questions.........
I'm about to go to a local dyno shop and just wanna get a checklist from you guys as to what I should make sure I have or should replace..... For starters, my o2 sensor is about 2 or 3 years old in my b13 but when I connect to Conzult, it shows the o2 sensor voltage moving up and down constantly, so that means it's good right? Or should I replace it? Would that affect my tune if I don't replace it and then after the tune, put a brand new one in? What else should I check for? I recently did the plugs and also the fuel filter and cleaned the kn air filter. I have a ve in my b13.
2010-03-02 06:58:31
Yes that means your o2 sensor is working properly. But your o2 isnt used at WOT. Do basic tune up, make sure there are zero vacuum leaks, gap new plugs correctly, change your oil. Also having alignment issues will affect your numbers.
2010-03-03 10:21:59
You didn't mention what you are using for an ECU. If you are going to use real time tuning, make sure that you set the base timing to spec (generally 15* BTDC). If you don't have RT, you are probably going to be moving the distributor to find the best timing settin. In this case, you might want to mark your distributor clamp at stock base timing and in 2* increments to make this go more quickly on the dyno where time is precious.
2010-03-06 23:33:14
He's on Calum RT.

What dyno are you going to?
2010-03-08 03:50:05
SuperFlow Chasis Dyno. Yea, I have a Calum Rt ecu. Just gonna do a cple more things b4 I go so I can be all set. Some of the things I wanna do 4 sure is install me N60 maf, do the maf reground mod, o2 sensor reground mod and engine ground mod. Maybe even install the N1's
2010-03-08 06:11:57
Hope your not dyno racing. That dyno might give lower numbers than the dyno jet a lot of people use.
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