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Thread: Oldman Ecu having trouble

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2010-01-12 05:08:57
Oldman Ecu having trouble
Hi i bought SER_kid Ecu that he got from oldman.

Bin im running is for a B13 Sr20ve Inj. and De maf. It idles like sh!t, it revs good above 3.

This is the same problem SER_kid had with his B13 Sr20VE inj. and N60 bin.

So im starting to think this is the ECU thats bad. Im going to try another set of chips i have tomorrow i hope
2010-01-12 13:34:19
Doubt it's the ECU, pretty sure it's the tune.
2010-01-12 13:36:16
Doubt it's the tune or ECU, pretty sure it's a vacuum issue.
2010-01-12 14:08:37
Well I'm assuming it worked perfectly before the ECU was installed
2010-01-12 16:57:47
then why would both cars have the same issues. Dont rule out the ecu or tune.
2010-01-12 18:03:32
Thats what im saying both cars would have not had the same problem im going to check for vacum leaks but i don't think its that...
2010-01-12 18:11:09
PM'd you, we'll work something out. I'm afraid that too many bin files are corrupted. You will want to try out as many different tunes until you find one that runs good for your setup.
2010-01-12 18:19:11
cool thanks pm you back

The tune that i got was from the old forum on the bin share for

VE inj.
DE maf.

Does anyone have a good one i can try out
2010-01-12 18:30:17
Originally Posted by TheRealNighthog
then why would both cars have the same issues. Dont rule out the ecu or tune.

I didn't really decipher his post well enough. Didn't realize there were two cars with the same issue :o

Originally Posted by lowproki
Thats what im saying both cars would have not had the same problem im going to check for vacum leaks but i don't think its that...

Sorry, didn't realize this in your initial post.

Originally Posted by lowproki
cool thanks pm you back

The tune that i got was from the old forum on the bin share for

VE inj.
DE maf.

Does anyone have a good one i can try out

Get with Erick212 and see if he can get you a bin. There are a ton out there corrupted as Old Man suggests, so I would start with Erick, unless Old Man has a bin for you ready to go
2010-01-12 18:45:04
Thanks Tekkie i'll look into that
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