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Thread: Great News NDS Supporst LM-2's now

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2010-01-24 18:34:23
Originally Posted by danmartin

LM-2. $350 MSPR without sensors.

I don't think you would need all that, everthing will be displayed in the logs, along with live read out.
2010-01-24 18:44:52
Originally Posted by Topdog781
I don't think you would need all that, everthing will be displayed in the logs, along with live read out.

you. kill. me.

That is the wideband controller. Without it, nothing works. Period.
2010-01-24 19:29:47
Originally Posted by danmartin
you. kill. me.

That is the wideband controller. Without it, nothing works. Period.

It's a honest mistake it happens.
2010-01-24 20:32:03
I paid $280 shipped for mine and it also came with the OBD cable that cost about $30 thank yo EBAY jejejejeje Innovate Motorsports LM-2 LM2 Wideband O2 Sensor 3837 : eBay Motors (item 230422987179 end time Feb-10-10 08:42:47 PST)
2010-02-08 17:06:38
NDS also works with the older LM-1, if anyone cares to know.
2010-02-09 00:24:16
But, in this case all you need is the LC-1 basic unit, which is much cheaper.

Then NDS and a laptop to tune, period.

Anyway you could also use the Calumsult logworks version + Logworks and Logworks will display all values ever needed in gauges, graphs, whatever...
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