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Thread: Great News NDS Supporst LM-2's now

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2009-12-29 04:05:49
Great News NDS Supporst LM-2's now
Well to those lucky folks with Innovate LM-2's, NDS now supports it. I'm looking forward for Uego support, one day

Nissan DataScan I
2009-12-29 07:50:45
Sweet, maybe I should just buy one of those hahah
2009-12-29 14:27:54
Yeah too bad it's not even the gauge Widebands, it's the handheld brick ones.
2009-12-29 21:18:47
2009-12-29 23:06:02
Originally Posted by Vadim
Yeah too bad it's not even the gauge Widebands, it's the handheld brick ones.

Don't hate the brick; best wide band ever.
2009-12-29 23:29:48
Originally Posted by myprojectb13
Don't hate the brick; best wide band ever.

Quoted for TRUTH!
2009-12-30 14:08:57
Originally Posted by myprojectb13
Don't hate the brick; best wide band ever.

Not hatting on it for functionality, I'm just hating that AEM didn't develop a good data logging stand alone software, and I'm forced to use Hyper Terminal
2010-01-24 12:40:27
The LM-2 its not the brick its the newest version of the innovate wideband and its a small box and it works awesome with the NDS no I can do some NDS data logs including WBO2 reading wohooo...... and you can see it on the data display gauges too... this is the ****..
2010-01-24 18:14:56
Originally Posted by Vadim
Well to those lucky folks with Innovate LM-2's, NDS now supports it. I'm looking forward for Uego support, one day

Nissan DataScan I

So I take it that the new version was released.
2010-01-24 18:26:48
Originally Posted by Payu
The LM-2 its not the brick its the newest version of the innovate wideband and its a small box and it works awesome with the NDS no I can do some NDS data logs including WBO2 reading wohooo...... and you can see it on the data display gauges too... this is the ****..

LM-2. $350 MSPR without sensors.
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