^Shoot! That's not RT if you have to switch chips like that. That's the whole point of having a RT. Who on the dash is using a NIStune RT? Chime in and reply to the post please. I thought I read it write, but I wanted to do more reading before I asked. I wasn't sure how they went about the chip part.
Don't confuse real-time tuning with changing the program (firmware, or bin) running on the daughter board. A Nistune daughter board running a Nistune ENT bin allows you to tune (modify table and scalar values) in real-time using the Nistune software. You just can't change the program running the engine (which is part of the bin) without the Nistune "Base Image Programmer" hardware. The "Base Image Programmer" requires removing the daughter board from the ECU, but not swapping chips.